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Property Risk Analysis

Analysis are conducted using qualitative and quantitative techniques, as well as national and international technical standards. They are applied to firstly identify vulnerabilities related to fire and explosion safety, natural hazards and others which might generate business uncertainties and impact to the property, and finally to offer improvements and therefore eliminate, or mitigate, the impacts caused by eventual flaws related to the process or safety systems.

Below are listed some of the services related to property risk analysis:

- Identification and analysis of property risks for new projects or installations under operation;

- Fire protection systems evaluation to assure compliance with reference to national and international technical standards;

- Fire protection system testing (sprinklers, fire pumps and hydrants);

- Recommendations to eliminate and mitigate hazards;

- Property loss estimates based on reinsurer’s techniques and practices

- Property loss analysis to identify causes and implement recommendations to avoid reoccurrence of the event.



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