PELACANI Risk Management and Property Loss Prevention Engineering objective is to offer integrated solutions to assure the success of our clients and their strategic allies, whose concerns are to manage risks in a preventive and efficient manner, reducing losses, mitigating business interruption and protecting their image.
This encompasses the identification of the vulnerabilities which generate company uncertainties, definition of policies and procedures, probability and impact analysis of potential hazards and the offer of solution related recommendations.
Mechanical Engineer graduated from Mackenzie University and having various courses in risk management, in addition to a postgraduate degree from FIA/USP, has over 20 years of corporate experience, being 12 years working as the manager in risk management consulting and regional leader of property loss analysis, coordinating a Latin American team for multinational clients within diverse industries. Possesses a solid experience as a senior consultant with full knowledge of national and international technical standards, risk evaluation, development and definition of technical guidelines for sprinklers, as well as other automatic systems, both in brownfield or greenfield projects. The knowledge in risk management consulting is also complemented by Enterprise Risk Management and Business Continuity Plan subjects.
Chemical Engineer graduated from Industrial Engineering College – FEI – and having attended several specialization courses and diverse postgraduate studies from USP, possesses vast experience in detailed engineering project management and coordination, assuring the integration of the multiple project subjects: process, piping, electric, instrumentation, fire and civil, for clients on challenging projects regarding timeliness and low cost. Holds full knowledge for application of the project management guidelines and tools based on PMBOK. In addition, she is knowledgeable in the design of firefighting systems and specifications of automatic sprinklers, hydrants, fire detection and alarms.
Mechanical engineer graduated from the Polytechnic University of São Paulo and Master of Fire Protection Engineering by the California Polytechnic Institute (CalPoly), with a Graduate Certificate by Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), combines academic knowledge with property loss prevention consultancy experience of more than 8 years in multinational reinsurers, in addition to the participation in technical committees and elaboration of technical standards at the automatic sprinklers committee of the Brazilian Technical Standards Association (ABNT). Possesses experience working on multiple commercial and industrial occupancies regarding fire and explosion hazards, natural hazards, amongst others, including definition of technical requirements, plan review, test and acceptance of manual and automatic fire protection systems.