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Business Continuity Management

Based on the three pillars of business continuity management – emergency response plan, crisis and communication management plan, and business continuity plan – a policy and various procedures are implemented in a way to anticipate the most critical events that may expose and interrupt the activities of a company and therefore assure that its activities are restored to acceptable levels in the shortest timeframe possible, protecting the company image as perceived by the stakeholders.

Our services on business continuity management include various activities, always based on the most up-to-date market practices and standards, such as:

- Development of a business continuity management program in accordance with ABNT NBR 15.999 (2007) and NBR ISO 22301 (2013) technical standards;

- Awareness and training through lectures and workshops

- Preparation for emergency response

- Analysis of the most probable incidents to mitigate business interruption

- Implementation of a business continuity policy

- Identification of hazards and definition of possible interruption scenarios

- Business Impact Analysis

- Business continuity plan development

- Continuity strategies definition

- Continuity plans table-top exercises and drills


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